Maintaining a gravel driveway is essential to ensure it remains functional and aesthetically pleasing. One common issue gravel driveway owners face is the appearance of potholes. These can be a nuisance and, if left unattended, can worsen over time. This guide will walk you through the steps to fix potholes in your gravel driveway and highlight the best time of year to undertake this task in Western Washington.

Why Potholes Form in Gravel Driveways

Potholes form due to several factors, including:

  • Water Erosion: Heavy rain, which is common here in the Pacific Northwest, can wash away gravel, leading to depressions.
  • Traffic: Frequent use by vehicles compacts the gravel and displaces it, forming holes.
  • Freeze-Thaw Cycles: In winter, water can freeze in the gravel, expand, and create gaps that turn into potholes when the ice melts.

Best Time of Year to Fix Potholes in Western Washington

If you live in western Washington, repair potholes in your gravel driveway before the fall rains come. Between July and September, the weather is typically drier, making it easier to work with the gravel. Additionally, the ground is not too hard from winter freezes or too muddy from spring rains, providing optimal conditions for repair work.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Potholes & Materials You’ll Need:

  • Shovel or spade
  • Rake
  • Tamper (manual or mechanical)
  • Fresh gravel (matching your driveway’s gravel type)
  • Water (for compacting)


1.    Clear the Pothole:

  • Remove any loose debris, dirt, and larger stones from the pothole using a shovel or spade. Dig down to the bottom of the pothole to ensure a solid base.

2.    Treat the Area Surrounding the Pothole:

  • Most potholes are caused by water beneath the surface that isn’t draining properly. Dig an area at least 2 feet wider than the pothole.
  • If you have a gravel top layer and a stone blend base driveway, only dig deep enough to clear off the top layer of gravel. Digging below the top layer of gravel can cause issues with the integrity of the base.
  • If you have a gravel top layer over a rough soil base driveway, dig down to the base of the hole and out two feet.
  • Make sure you have firm edges surrounding the hole to help the fill material compact more easily.

3.    Fill the Pothole:

  • Add new material to fill the pothole in layers. Start with coarser gravel like our 5/8 Chips at the bottom to provide a stable foundation and allow for drainage. Gradually layer gravel with fines like our 5/8 Minus on top. Overfill in the center accounting for compaction from the weight of vehicles.

4.    Compact the Gravel:

  • Use a tamper or compactor to compact the gravel, or use a vehicle tire. Proper compaction is crucial to prevent the pothole from reappearing.

5.    Water and Re-Compact:

  • Lightly water the filled pothole to help the gravel settle. After watering, top the area and compact the gravel again to ensure it is firmly packed.
  • As the material compacts down, add more 5/8 Minus until the area is flush with the rest of the driveway.

6.   Smooth the Surface:

  • Use a rake to blend the repaired area with the surrounding driveway, ensuring a smooth and even surface.

7.    Add a New Top Layer of Gravel to your Entire Driveway

  • Once the problem areas are flush the surrounding areas of your driveway, it’s a good idea to add a fresh layer of 5/8 Minus to the entire driveway for uniformity.

Tips for Long-Term Gravel Driveway Maintenance

  • Regular Inspections: Periodically check your driveway for signs of new potholes and address them promptly to prevent them from growing.
  • Proper Drainage: Ensure your driveway has adequate drainage to minimize water erosion. Consider adding a slight crown to the driveway to help water runoff.
  • Routine Grading: Hire a professional to grade your driveway annually or bi-annually. This helps redistribute the gravel and maintain a smooth surface.


Fixing potholes in your gravel driveway doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the right steps and repairing the potholes between July and September before the rains begin you can keep your driveway in great shape. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will save you time and effort in the long run, ensuring your driveway remains functional and attractive for years to come.

Thanks for Reading!

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